TDCP Cholistan Desert Jeep Rally to be Held in January 2024

BAHAWALPUR: During the last week of February 2024, the 19th  TDCP Cholistan Desert Jeep Rally will take place in the Cholistan Desert near QILA DERAWAR.

After the start of the PSL 2024 in February, Deputy Commissioner Zaheer Anwar Jappa decided to hold the TDCP Cholistan Desert Jeep Rally in January. The meeting was successfully held on a Saturday.

A handout stated that over 100 drivers would participate in a four-day program that included the TDCP Cholistan Desert Jeep Rally 2024 and other interesting events.

The security plans for the massive sporting event that will take place in the desert were also discussed in the meeting.

In his address to the meeting, the DC stated that the Jeep rally would be a festival for which all government departments should collaborate.

He directed that all heads of government departments submit their respective plans for properly holding the annual event.

The meeting was also attended by the President of the Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali Mann, as well as officials from various government departments.

The BCCI would also work with the district administration to plan various events for the occasion.

Champion of Cholistan Jeep Rally 2023:

Faisal Shadikhel took first place by completing the necessary distance in three hours, sixty-nine minutes, and three seconds, while Johdri Zain Mehmood of Bahawalpur took second place by completing the prescribed distance in three hours, sixty-nine minutes, and nine seconds. By four hours and four minutes, Asif Fazal took third place. Both Chaudhry Zain Mehmood and his co-navigator Zain Abdullah, who finished second in the Jeep Rally, are from Bahawalpur.


With a time of two hours sixteen minutes and four seconds, Bismalullah Magsi won the stock category. Rashida Sultan won the prepared category, and Rabab Hadat won the stock category in the Khawatanb category. The desert bike race was won by Saqib Shah, the quad bike 8 race was won by Zafar, and the truck race was won by Malik Samar.


During the rally, the culture, civilization, lifestyle, food of Cholistan are of special interest to the tourists coming from outside. The Cholistan Jeep Rally was started in 2005 in which women drivers along with famous local and foreign male drivers also participate. This three to four day game not only provides entertainment but also highlights the great cultural heritage of Bahawalpur, the richest state of the erstwhile subcontinent.


Bahawalpurv is located in its southern region in Punjab. For 200 years, the state was ruled by the Abbasid dynasty (1748 to 1954). Although English, Urdu, and Punjabi are also spoken and understood, Saraiki is the native tongue. Bahawalpur has 300 miles of rivers all around it. situated beside the Indus and Sutlej rivers.

Cholistan jeep rally track length:

The Organizer of Jeep Rally Cholistan has mentioned that Sahibzada Sultan has won the championship of Jeep Rally in Pakistan. This is 16th Cholistan Jeep Rally that has been arranged in Punjab Pakistan. Read the name of winners First, second and third positioning name. The Jeep Rally route was fixed up to 500 Kilometers in which so many deserts were covered in the route of Cholistan Jeep Rally. The Cholistan Jeep Rally is one of the major events in Pakistan.

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